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Blogging Challenge 2021

Poots Purposes to be Prolific

2020 was a year of consistency for me. I was consistent in a number of daily habits which I believe have laid a foundation for 2021. This is what I did every day:

In addition to these I maintained a never before seen level of consistency in other habits but which did not quite qualify as ‘daily’:

The two hundred thousand words that I wrote are unpublished and private. This is what I would like to change.

I purpose to continue exercising these habits into this year with one crucial difference. The writing that I do will be public and will be published on this blog. To this end I have joined Philip Morgan’s Expertise Incubator as a means of encouraging me to make this a reality. Although I don’t perfectly fit the target audience for the incubator I am convinced having this accountability and support will provide the necessary impetus to persevere in producing and publishing material.

I mentioned the following in an email to Philip as part of my application for the programme:

I’ve set myself the goal of getting a book published by Pragmatic Programmers before the end of 2021. It’s called “Explaining Ecto: From the Ground Up” and will cover Elixir database library Ecto from a deeper angle than “Programming Ecto” filling in the gaps. The challenge is to cultivate the expertise in the subject matter and build the audience to convince the publisher of both the market for the book and my suitability for writing it.

Last year, in 2020, I was consistent in writing. This year, 2021, I hope to be prolific in publishing.

Friday, January 1st 2021