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Segmenting URLs with Seg

When discussing how Syro implemented its routing DSL I mentioned its use of a library called Seg. Seg is a simple segment matcher for paths, where a path is defined as a string starting with a slash (/) and containing segments separated by slashes (/books/42). It is perfectly suited for working with URL paths.

The library, calling in at 82 significant lines of code (SLOC), is focused and targeted at this one use-case and as such provides a perfect foundation for the functionality we saw in Syro.

Indeed, it hardly needs explanation, studying the code will bring everything to light. Nevertheless I thought it useful to give a more ‘literate’ overview.

The foundational data-type is a single String, and this is treated as a list of characters. The forward slash, /, carries special significance as a means of separating the string into segments.

A “seg” or segment object carries the path itself @path, the length of the path string @path.size, a helper storing the initial position (the index of the first character in the string), @init = 0. The position is then where most of the work is done. This tracks the current position of the path traversal. At the beginning this is the start of the string @pos = 0.

The position is what is going to be doing most of the work and the element that changes the most as you walk the path.

The curr method lets you know where you are in the path, and at the beginning will return the full path.

seg = Seg.new("/books/42")
seg.curr  #=> "/books/42"

To move down the path you consume a segment which moves you along:

seg.curr  #=> "/42"

You are now able to look back at the previous segment:

seg.prev  #=> "/books"

You can continue walking down the path in this fashion until you get to the end. If you decide you want to walk backwards then this is also possible:

seg.curr  #=> "/books/42"

This gives us a way to walk forward and backwards but it does assume that we know what the path is before we walk. In order to walk blindly we can extract segments:

seg.extract #=> "books"
seg.curr    #=> "/42"

Extract both returns us the value of the segment and it walks the path.

Like the consume/restore pair, extract also has a corresponding reversal in retract:

seg.retract #=> "books"
seg.curr    #=> "/books/42"

Importantly, if we want to capture information from a given segment in order to use it for another purpose (think using 42 as an ID to later look up a record from a data store) then we can do that too. All we need to do is to provide a store in the form of a Hash alongside the name of the key we’d like to use for the data:

store = {}
seg.extract              #=> "books"
seg.capture(:id, store)
store                    #=> { :id => "42" }

And that’s pretty much all there is to it. Additionally the root? method will tell you whether or not you are at the root of the path (defined by a forward slash /) and init? will tell you if you are at the starting or initial position in the path.

Seg in Syro

In the calling of Syro::Deck::API a store is initialized, named the inbox, and a path is created by instantiating an instance of Seg with the path provided by Rack:

@syro_path = Seg.new(env.fetch(Rack::PATH_INFO))
@syro_inbox = inbox

When running the application the elements of the path are stored in environment, along with the inbox itself. This way the application keeps a record of where in the path it is and what values have already been captured.

env[Rack::PATH_INFO] = @syro_path.curr
env[Rack::SCRIPT_NAME] = script + @syro_path.prev
env[Syro::INBOX] = inbox

Syro::API::Deck then simply delegates the consume, capture and root? methods to their Seg counterparts also exposing the Seg object as path:

def path
def consume(arg)

def capture(arg)
  @syro_path.capture(arg, inbox)

def root?

These are of course then called upon by the on and match methods which I have described in my previous look at Syro routing.

This is incredibly elegant in its simplicity. It’s difficult to describe how this makes me feel. It is the very definition of distillation; the boiling away of extraneous material to arrive at the essential core. And it can be fully explained in a blog post. The code can be read in a coffee break. This to me is faithful abstraction. And it costs almost nothing.

Friday 19th February 2021.